Remote Deposit Capture

“Peace of mind for your business”
Deposit your checks from the comfort of your own office.
We understand you are busy and that your schedule doesn’t always fit into the Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 mold. Hence, for your convenience, we offer the convenience of Remote Deposit Capture so you can deposit checks right when you get them. Anytime, anywhere.
Remote deposit capture allows checks received by you to be scanned in order to create a digital deposit, which is then transmitted via encrypted internet connection to your bank, which then accepts and posts it to your account.
While we’re always happy to see you, we also want to free up you and your team to focus on what matters most – serving your customers and growing your business. With Remote Deposit Capture, checks are in your account faster. And you can say goodbye to making multiple trips to the bank.
For details of our Remote Deposit Capture, please call to talk to one of our customer service representatives.